Perfect fabrics for the Chestnut Festival

Perfect fabrics for the Chestnut Festival

The Castañada is a popular festival that takes place on 1 November, coinciding with All Saints' Day. Originating in Catalonia and other regions of northeastern Spain, this celebration dates back to the 18th century, when families used to gather to pay tribute to the deceased with a dinner that included chestnuts, sweet potatoes and "panellets". The chestnut, the main symbol of this festival, is associated with the harvest and the change of season towards winter, when the warmth of fireplaces and family gatherings became essential.

Traditionally, during the Castañada , the memory of loved ones was venerated, and in the squares and streets of the villages, the ‘castañeras’, dressed in typical clothes, sold roasted chestnuts from stalls decorated with simple cloaks and fabrics.


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The typical costume of the Castañada

As for the traditional costumes of the Castañada, one of the iconic elements is the «castañera», represented as an older woman, warmly dressed in simple and functional clothing, ideal for resisting the cold of the season. Clothing includes a long skirt, a striped or checked apron, a headscarf, and a shawl, usually made of wool. Colours tend to be earthy, in keeping with autumn.


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In addition, the fabrics must be resistant and comfortable to withstand the low temperatures, but also breathable, as many hours are spent outdoors. This type of clothing has a practical and aesthetic function, alluding to rural life and ancestral customs.

Ravial Fabrics Recommendations

Ravial, offers a series of ideal options for producing traditional and modern versions of the Castañadacostume, as well as fabrics for decorating shops and home decoration. As well as fabrics for decorating shops or home decoration.


Our favourite item for the occasion. It is a bale fabric, with traditional squares in two shades that transmit the essence of the chestnut season. . Thanks to its resistance, it is an ideal fabric for making shawls.


Farcell. Ref: 01322-0832.


Farcell. Ref: 03887-0832.


Nuestro tejido de Vichy clásico, disponible en una extensa cantidad de colores y tamaños de cuadros. A continuación, los más recomendados para la situación:


CHECK. Ref: 01309/4-0402.


CHECK. Ref: 01309/8-0002.


CHECK 10MM. Ref: 01309/7-0410.


TRITEX CHECK 3 mm. Ref: 03773/32-0002.

CHECK 10mm

CHECK 10mm. Ref: 01309/70801.

CHECK 10mm

CHECK 10mm. Ref: 01309/7-0008.

Para descubrir todos los coloridos de nuestro artículo CHECK, consulte el siguiente enlace:


Se trata de un tejido de poliéster anti manchas, lo que lo convierte en la opción ideal para la confección de mantelería, delantales y otros artículos de uso diario. Su composición asegura resistencia y una larga vida útil, manteniendo su aspecto impecable tras múltiples usos. Disponible en un clásico estampado de cuadros, excelente para la ambientación de la chestnut season.


HM-MARADA. Ref: 03813/41-0008.


HM-MARADA. Ref: 03813/41-0002.


HM-MARADA. Ref: 03813/41-0004.


Los tejidos de florecitas ofrecen una opción fresca y original, alejándose de los estampados de cuadros tradicionales asociados a la Castañada. Ideal para quienes buscan dar un giro más creativo a sus confecciones, manteniendo un toque artesanal y delicado.

Aunque se escapa de lo convencional, los estampados florales pueden ser un acierto para delantales, blusas o pañuelos, aportando color y personalidad a los atuendos típicos. Ambos artículos, HARU and RECREO, 100% cotton, aseguran comodidad y resistencia.


HARU. Ref: 02757/48-0009.


HARU. Ref: 02757/60-0002.


HARU. Ref: 02757/50-0804.


RECREO. Ref: 04046/08-0004.


RECREO. Ref: 04046/08-0005.


RECREO. Ref: 04046/08-1003.

Explora nuestro catálogo completo para descubrir todas las posibilidades con los tejidos de Ravial:

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Cover image: Freepik